News Update:
February 6th 2014
Sent From: John W. Klinck on behalf of the second home Study.
Dear Moon River Property Owners' Association,
I am pleased to inform you that the 2013 Second Home Study was approved by Muskoka District Council on January 20, 2014 and is now available. Over 5,000 Second Home owners took the time to participate in this year’s survey, which is over 2,000 more than we heard from in 2004. The 2013 Second Home Study provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the following:
Size of Muskoka’s Second Home households as well as seasonal population estimates;
Second Home characteristics, such as size and accessory structures;
Patterns of ownership and retirement intentions of second home residents;
Seasonal usage patterns of second home residents;
Frequency of visitation of guests of second home owners;
Recreational activities in which second home owners participate; and
Insight on the economic influence of the second home population on Muskoka’s economy.
The 2013 Second Home Study can be accessed on the District of Muskoka website, under the ‘Hot Topics’ section ( ).
Paper copies will also be made available for review at every public library in Muskoka. To purchase a printed or digital copy, please contact the District of Muskoka Planning and Economic Development Department at or (705) 645-2100 ext. 259.
For all other questions, please contact Melissa Halford, Manager of Planning Projects at or (705) 645-2100 ext. 288.
Muskoka’s Second Home residents have an important influence on the character of the region and a significant positive impact on the local economy. The 2013 Second Home Study provides an overview of this sector of Muskoka’s population, and will assist in ensuring that Second Home residents are accounted for when planning future programs and initiatives.
This study could not have been completed without the support of your organization. We thank you for encouraging the participation of your membership and look forward to working with you again on future projects and initiatives.
Kind regards,
John W. Klinck
District Chair
Update: 2013-11-14
Below is a list of emails to our memebers which includes detailed information regarding the current water levels on the Moon River.
Saturday, October 26, 2013 Email to All memebers
Saturday Oct 26, 2013 at 8:15pm Email update to all members
Sunday October 27th 2013 Update to all members
Thursday October 31st 2013 Update to all mebers
Thursday November 14th 2013 Update to all mebers email
Thursday November 14th 2013 Update to all mebers "Flood Watch PDF"
Thursday November 14th 2013 Update to all mebers "Flood Outlook PDF"
Sunday November 17th CTV News Video!
Monday November 18th Email to Memebers
Latest email: To All Members November 18th 2013:
Nov 18, 2013
Greetings to All MRPOA Members
Water Levels
Water levels remain high on the Moon River from Bala to The Moon Chutes. Beyond The Moon Chutes waters are very low in order to create a suction effect to speed up the lowering of the high water levels.
On Sunday, Mayor Murphy and I were interviewed by CTV Barrie for their 6:00pm news broadcast. Here is the link should you care to watch the news broadcast:
In addition, the Township of Muskoka Lakes has passed a resolution that seeks a review and update of the Muskoka River Water Management Plan. The resolution, passed on Friday, November 15 reads as follows:
Whereas the Muskoka River Water has experienced extremely high water levels in 2013;
And Whereas the high water levels in 2013 created excessive flood conditions in the spring of 2013 and near flood conditions in the fall f 2013 in the Township of Muskoka Lakes;
And Whereas the subject high water levels have caused damage to personal property, critical infrastructure and have placed the safety of residents and visitors at risk;
And Whereas such damage to personal property and critical infrastructure is generally not covered by compensating insurance;
And Whereas due to the lack of compensating insurance coverage, repairs to personal property and critical infrastructure must be paid directly by property owners and property taxes;
And Whereas harm to residents and visitors in any form should be prevented;
And Whereas the Muskoka River Water is managed by the Muskoka River Water Management Plan;
And Whereas the Ministry of Natural Resources (Bracebridge) is responsible for the implementation of the Muskoka River Water Management Plan;
And Whereas, starting in the spring of 2013, Council members of the Township of Muskoka Lakes requested specific information from the Ministry of Natural Resources (Bracebridge) on how the Muskoka Water Management Plan has been used to address the high water levels and the concerns of residents and
And Whereas the requested specific information relates to the impact f the present low and high water zones used to administer the Muskoka River Water Management Plan;
And Whereas the requested information has not been provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources (Bracebridge);
Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Township of Muskoka Lakes requests that the Ministry of Natural Resources (Bracebridge) conduct an impact study of the high and low water zones contained in the Muskoka Water Management Plan and that it focus on the benefits of an overall lowering to those zones especially during the periods of October to May annually;
And Further that the Ministry of Natural Resources be requested to present to the Council of the Township of Muskoka Lakes, an analysis of the actions taken during the flooding in the spring of 2013 and the high water levels in the fall of 2013 including but not limited to specific dates and quantities of logs (water flow restriction systems) utilized at each facility controlled by the Ministry of Natural Resources throughout the system;
And Further that if the Ministry of Natural Resources is unwilling to undertake the above noted study or provide the above noted analysis then the Township of Muskoka Lakes is prepared to request an amendment to the Muskoka River Water Management Plan, through the amendment process with the details of such an amendment to be developed if an when necessary.
Lost & Found
With the water very high we are starting to see debris floating towards the Moon and ragged Rapids Dams.
This morning I received the following picture from Bill Niess.
Bill has retrieved what appears to be a section of the top surface of a dock from the river. It is quite new as the picture shows. It is about 5 feet high and 30 inches wide. If you recognize this a being from your property call Bill at 705.762.2870. The item is up away from the water and will drift no further.
Re: Public Safety Concerns – Lack of Navigation Marks on Moon River