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On The Moon


Boating Information and Regulations
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Horsepower restriction for children:  Children under 12 years of age, and not directly supervised by someone over 16 years of age can only operate vessels with a maximum of 10 hp.  Minors between 12 years and 16 years who are not directly supervised can operate vessels with a maximum of 40 hp.  Persons under 16 years of age are not allowed to operate a PWC. After 16 years of age there are no power restrictions.

  • All motorized pleasure boat operators must carry a “Pleasure Craft Operator Card”. Visitors from the United States can use an equivalent State or US Coast Guard document as a substitute.  A “Pleasure Craft Operator Card” is not required for craft such as sailboats, kayaks and canoes.
  • Be considerate of your neighbours – avoid circling (PWCs, wake jumpers, and tubers) in one area.
  • Use common sense and be aware of the damage caused by boat wakes.
  • When waterskiing, wakeboarding & tubing, depart at a right angle to the shore and maintain a minimum 30 meter distance from the shoreline. By law, the tow-boat(including PWCs) must carry a spotter and have an empty seat for each person being towed (to pick them up in case of a fall).
  • Carry a cell phone on your craft.

Shown on the map, below, is the Moon Chutes. This is a special place for all residents and visitors.  Please exercise caution when boating through this narrow area.   If someone has entered the narrows please wait until they are completely through before entering the chutes.


The chutes and other speed restricted areas are highlighted in Yellow on this map.

Copyright 2013 Moon River Property Owners' Association
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